23 November 2008

book coma

I finally caved and read the Twilight series - in 4 days. I was in a deep deep deep book coma. It was fabulous! The coma, I mean. The books were too, of course. I felt extremely guilty being in said coma because heaven knows (and so does everyone around me) that I have too too too much to do! Get my inventory going for the shop opening. Make a holiday dress for Nae-nae. Make more things for the kiddos and family. Think about Christmas. The list goes on, but the biggest is the shop inventory! Yikes!

Twilight was phenomenal. I was so caught up in the love story. Nick was mocking me because my cheeks were burning bright red as I was reading and sweating (I sweat when my emotions are running on high). Edward and Bella - oh! I read bad reviews about the 4th book, but I didn't care! I loved it! The ending was the ending I personally love (nothing bad happens). I was expecting someone important to die. I wanted a bit more at the very end end though. To be honest I was wanting a lot more romance romance. The sexual tension throughout the books nearly killed me, so I was so ecstatic when they were finally able to safely express their love (especially since they were married). I was happy that things worked out well with Jacob - I would've been irate if he truly butted in that romance. Who couldn't love Edward, seriously? I'm in love (don't tell my hubby). Sorry about the parenthesis abuse. They're just so helpful.

I'm in a state of depression now. My vampire world is gone. I re-read some of my favorite parts today so that the parting wouldn't be so hard. I've been dreaming and obsessing for the past week, I guess 4 days, so it's a total shock to not be reading anymore. I was sitting there thinking what I would do with myself now. Remember the list above, but I just don't feel like doing any of it today.

Oh Edward! Oh Bella! Oh Vampires! Why couldn't I be one, then I wouldn't have to stress about dying too!

13 November 2008

welcome welcome

Welcome to Snap Dragon Days. Home to my new shop, "Oh, Snap Dragon!" What is snap dragon days, and Oh, snap dragon?? I'll tell you.

Snap Dragon is an exclamation you'll hear fly from my lips on a daily basis. It can mean anything! From holy crow (another of my exclamations), to wow, to awesome, to that takes my breath away, etc.

Snap Dragon Days is a type of day you'll always want to have. Read above.

Here I'll always try to be positive, uplifting, and showing the many different ways I try to have a snap dragon day! Cheesy, I know, but hey I just can't help it!